Вслед за этим известием пришла вот такая дразнилка от S2Games:
•AC •AT •CAI •MAR •FOCC •OPBR •QS •SS -> LEN •OBS •AAR •BHR •KFR •SN В течение дня нечто из тайного станет явным :) •AC - Alt Courriers: судя по всему нас ждут альтернативные курьеры
•AT - Alt Taunt: а также альтернативный вид Taunt •CAI - Custom Account Icons: можно будет загружать свои иконки аккаунта •MAR - Melee Attack Range: изменение дальности атаки героев ближнего боя •FOCC - Forest Of Caldavar Changes: изменения карты Forests of Caldavar (5x5) •OPBR - Outpost Pickled Brain Removal: из Outpost будет убран предмет Pickled Brain •QS - Quick Shop?: возможно, нас ждет автозакупка предметов наподобие автоматизации выучивания заклинаний •SS -> LEN - Secret Shop переименован в LEgeNdary Shop •OBS - OBServatory: новое здание •AAR - Alt Amun-Ra: Альтернативный аватар Amun-Ra •BHR - Blood Hunter Rework: переработан Blood Hunter •KFR - Keeper of the Forest Rework: переработан Keeper of the Forest •SN - Silhouette Nerf: урезана Silhouette |
Version 0.7.30
- Added Alt Couriers!
* Can now change the courier into one you buy ingame!
- Added 2 Alt Taunts!
* Gore Taunt and Bability Taunt!
- Added Custom Account Icons!
* Purchaseable in the store, upload an icon on the website!
- When downloading replays, the progress bar will now properly display a % sign
- Fixed not having recommended items when playing the same hero twice in a row if you failed to retrieve a guide
- You can now purchase stat resets and sub accounts in the store with Gold coins
- Store UI significantly changed
- Fixed an issue with stat resets that incorrectly reset some fields
- Servers now will try to upload old stats until they succeed
* This is backwards-impacting, which means any game in the last 90 days or so that has ever failed to upload stats will be uploaded and added
* Many of you will probably see old games show up in your stats and your stats will change quickly after this patch
* Example: If you played 10 games during the DDOS events, you probably never got wins/losses/MMR/stats for them. You will see them show up and your stats change for those 10 games over 24 hours after this patch.
- All Melee heroes now all have 128 Attack Range
- Non-lethal damage can no longer get credit for kills (For real)
- Increased the movespeed of some of the Neutrals under 300 Movespeed to 300
- Leash time all Neutrals lowered from 7 seconds to 5.25 seconds
- Caldavar has been changed
* Kongor area widened to make it more 'even', including a new Legion ramp in the area
* Vision blockers of Kongor's lair removed
In-game Shop changes
- Significantly changed the shop to be much more optimized and better overall
- There is now a default guide for when your connection to the Database decides to use the Failboat
- Outpost no longer contains a Pickled Brain
- Secret Shop removed
* Items that were purchasable in this shop are now purchasable in the main base
* Secret Shop renamed to Legendary Shop
- Secret Shop replaced with the Observatory
- Observatory contain 1 item: Wards of Sight
* Wards seen in the Observatory are shared with the ones in your main base in stock
- Nullfire level 1 back to a 12s cooldown
* Level 2 is still 20s
- Fix to giving Insanitarious to other players and it bugged out terribly (LOL)
- Added a new Alt Avatar for Ra
Blood Hunter Rework
- +15 Starting Movespeed (305 > 320)
- Blood Crazy duration nerfed from 6/9/12/15 to 6/7/8/9
- Blood Crazy damage to 20/s flat. Separated into a debuff and a buff, so that you can rid yourself of the negative element with a purge, or rid an enemy of the positive element with the purge
- Blood Sense now activates off allied heroes as well, but not self
- Hemorrhage changed to superior magic damage, damage values increased by 25%
- Fixed the sound from Deep Shadows playing at ear-killing levels
Keeper rework
- Starting STR reduced to 25 from 27
- STR/level reduced to 3 from 3.4
- Camouflage
* Renamed to Nature's Veil
* Now gives BOTH Camouflage and old Nature's Protection effects (invises near trees and gives the armor/regen buff)
* Duration for both buffs changed to 10/20/30/40 seconds
* Nature's Protection component now gives a flat 4 Health Regeneration and 6/8/10/12 Armor
* Mana cost to a flat 60
* Cooldown to a flat 5 seconds
* 500 cast range
- Tree Sight
* Removed, replaced with Animate Forest
- Animate Forest
* 130 Mana cost, 30 second cooldown, 700 cast range
* Casts on target tree.
* Target tree and 1/2/3/4 nearby trees (takes closest to target, max search range of 500) are converted to Treants
* Treants have 500 Health, 2 Armor, and 325 Movespeed
* These trees last for 45 seconds
* These treants serve as "trees" for Nature's Veil, keeping people invisible around them
* These treants serve as "trees" for Entmoot, giving KotF charges of Attack Speed/Movement Speed
- Nature's Protection removed
- New Ability: Entmoot, passive self-buff
* Keeper of the Forest gains 3/6/9/12 Attack Speed and Movement Speed per nearby tree, up to 5 charges.
* Radius of 375
- Root
* Duration lowered from 3/4/5 to 2/3/4 seconds
* Cooldown lowered from 160 to 120/110/100
* Damage per second increased from 85 to 100
- Tree Grapple mana cost from 95/105/115/125 to 120 flat
- Relentless Salvo damage per stack from 6/9/12/15 to 3/6/9/12
- Shadow cooldown from 90/75/60 to 120/105/90 seconds
- Shadow duration from 30 to 15/25/35 seconds
- Shadow damage ratio from 33/66/100% to flat 66%